
Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Denmead to Butser loop.

Denmead to Butser loop: ride time around 1 1/2 to 2hrs depending on conditions/ fitness.

Start in Denmead village in the Kidmore lane car park opposite the Lucky Star Chinese takaway.
Head north in to Kidmore lane and take the first right in to Tanners Lane.
Follow Tanners which will lead in to White Horse Lane (do not turn off main lane), follow until cross roads.
At the cross roads head in to the Bridleway directly in front, this is a gentle climb over Sawyer’s Hill with a little cheeky decent that can be taken flat out.
At the bottom there is a cross road with Harrrowgate lane.
Head up Horsepost Lane directly in front of you. At first junction keep right. Second junction keep right. Follow lane (ignore footpath!) to T junction, turn right.
Follow Monarch’s Way down to Scotland Farm at road turn left, then right at the Bat and Ball on the main Hambledon road and head for Clanfield.
At T junction (in Clanfield) tuen left follow the main road past the Rising Sun and take the left hand turning in to Petersfield lane.
Follow the road past the house on the left to pick up Thieves Lane, this is the start of the Butser Hill climb!
Follow track through the copse to a small chalky rutted decent, at the bottom of the decent take the opening directly in front of you to North Lane, turn right.
Climb North Lane to the cross roads at the top and turn left on to the South Downs Way.

Follow South Downs way until the road at Hyden Cross, turn left down the hill on the road.
Follow the road through Hyden Wood, pay extra attention for entry to Green Lane* on your right hand side. *Green Lane can be taken at maximum attack, be careful of the entrance as this turns in to a jump at speed. There are lots of berms and natural lips/ roots to jump off, have fun!
Follow Green Lane past the cross tracks all the way to the main Hambledon to Clanfield road.
Cross to the road directly in front of you and take the first turning on your right to Murder Mile!
Follow Murder Mile down to the road by the tennis court – you can also ride this pretty much flat out!
At road cross directly over follow track, which opens up to cross a field to the road.
Follow the road for about 100m to the entrance of Harrowgate Lane directly in front of you.
Follow the track all the way to Kidmore lane cross roads and turn left. *Diversion: On Harrowgate Lane head back up Horespost Lane and turn left on to Pitt Hill Lane, follow to road and turn left on to Kidmore Lane.
Follow Kidmore lane up the sharp hill, over the cross roads all the way back to the car park.
Beer Stop: When back in Denmead you have the choice of the Forest Of Bere or the Wight Hart. The Forest of Bere is a more traditional style pub with a curry house on the side. The Wight Hart is more family oriented with a nice beer garden and good quality pub style food.
 Key: Thick red line = road, thin red line = off road. Pink = diversion.


  1. Awesome!! Been trying to plan out a route from Denmead to Butser over the last couple of days and found this! Great to see some video of the trail, looks nice and fast. Any idea if there are any trails in Hyden Wood?

  2. thanks for taking a look! I don't think there are trails in Hyden wood, it would make a brilliant cut through to Green lane if there were? If you find anything let me know?
